Hi there! My name is Paulina Gut and I'm obsessed with tacos.
Not only because of their delicious taste, but also for the rich stories behind every taco.
In 2017, it was love for a German guy that brought me to Germany and that was when my love story with tacos started. At the beginning it was a simple craving of tacos, sooner than later I discovered it was a craving for identity. In times of much uncertainty, tacos were there to comfort me.
For too long, the global taco narrative has been in the hands, words and interpretations of foreigners. Little by little, we Mexicans are reappropriating this narrative. As for me, the more I research and learn about the history and culture of tacos, the more excited I get to share it with the world. That’s why I self-appointed myself as the Embajadora del Taco (Taco Ambassador).
Let’s talk TACO!